Home > Online Classes > Improving Color: White Balance
Improving Color: White Balance
This class is a horse of a different color!
With the subtle yet powerful effects of color, white balance is a critical creative tool for any photographer. In this class, learn the language of white balance and how you can hone it to create the mood you need in your images.
Digital Cameras I or Camera Basics 1-3 Series
Topics Covered:
How white balance works in your camera.
The concept of quality of light.
Utilizing this technical tool in a creative way.
What you’ll need:
Please have your DSLR, Mirrorless, or Advanced Point and Shoot ready to use for reference.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 1 Hr 15 min
Setting: Livestream (Zoom)
Class size limit: 8
Class Materials Include:
1. Class slides
2. A video recording.
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