Photo Projects: Fall 2023
Class Portal
Instructor: Monica Hamilton (
Class dates: Thursday, September 21 | September 28 | October 5 | October 12 | October 19 from 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom
Class Material can be accessed at any time in our Photo Projects Class Materials (Fall 2023) folder
Class Recordings can be accessed and downloaded at any time in our Class Recordings folder
Submit your images each week no later than 12:00pm the day of class.
Assignment 1: Photo Diary
Over the course of the next week, make photos every single day. The goal of this assignment is to push yourself to start creating more regularly and observe your surroundings on a day to day basis. Think about: what do you like to make photographs of? What do you notice around you? Then, how can you make an interesting image of that thing? What are the five photographs that define the week, and yourself? Submit 5 final images to Dropbox.
Image submission due Thursday, September 28 by 12:00pm.
Assignment 2: Black & White / Monochromatic Color
Photography that is monochromatic doesn’t have to be just black and white! Monochrome consists of an image consisting of either black and white tones, or tonal values of one color. Focusing your attention on one color when shooting can challenge you to look at your environment in a whole new way. Alternatively, creating work devoid of color forces you to pay attention to light and shadow compositionally.
You will create dynamic monochromatic images in color or black and white. Think about how each process is different.
Submit 4 final images to Dropbox.
Image submission due by Thursday, October 5 at 12:00pm.
Assignment 3: Abstract Nature
Nature photography is an extremely popular and accessible genre of photography—how can we spice it up? Your assignment is to take what you see on a day-to-day basis in your natural environment and turn it on its head.
Create abstracted, unusual or out of the ordinary images of nature.
Submit 4 final images to Dropbox.
Image submission due Thursday, October 12 by 12:00pm.
Assignment 4: Final Series
For your final assignment you will create a series of images that challenge you to think about cohesion, composition, and most of all, storytelling. Choose a theme you would like your series to center around. If you need inspiration, consider using your series to answer one of the following:
Who are you?
What do you normally never take a photo of?
Who inspires you the most?
What do you love about photography?
What is the first thing you touch in the morning?
What is the meaning of life?
Once you choose a theme, create a series of 5 images telling that story. Be creative with your composition and the details you choose to focus on as part of your storytelling. What visual elements can tie together your sequence of images? What compositional techniques can you use to tell your story?
Please submit a 2-3 sentence description of your series via email.
Submit 5 final images to Dropbox (be mindful of the order you want them to be in).
Image submission due by Thursday, October 19 at 12:00pm.